DECEMBER 13-14, 2019, Hotel CO-OP INN (Kyoto), Kyoto, Japan

CSCW Asia Winter School 2019


Important Dates
Aug 5, 2019: Application Due
Aug 20, 2019: Notifications
Aug 31, 2019: Early Registration

Venue Information:
Hotel CO-OP INN Kyoto , Kyoto Japan.


  • 1. A 4 pages pdf document including a description of (1) your research (2) why you want to participate, and (3) a short CV (max 1 page).
    ** your submission will be used for internal review only **
  • 2. [for students only] Recommendation letter. Please have your advisor write a recommendation letter that explains what s/he expects you to learn from the winter school, and what contribution you are likely to make to the winter school.

The applications will be reviewed by the reviewing board. Up to 20 students (Ph.d. and M.S. students) and 20 researchers (including postdocs) will be accepted for joining the winter school. Please note however that priority for acceptance will be given to those living in the Asia-Pacific region. All the accepted students are eligible for receiving the student travel grant.

submission closed

Event Schedule

Day 1 | Dec 13, 2019



Tutorial 1: History and recent trends of the CSCW research Jonathan Grudin (Microsoft Research)

Lunch Break

Mentoring 1: Poster presentation*

Mentoring 2: Consulting (Group Discussion)

Welcome Dinner

Day 2 | Dec 14, 2019

Tutorial 2: Qualitative methods in CSCW research Luigina Ciolfi (Sheffield Hallam University)

Group Lunch (with similar themes)

Panel 1: New frontier of CSCW

Panel 2: Career development panel & discussion


*Instruction for Poster Presentation




Mentors List

Attendee list



Registration Fee
Non-Students: 13,000 JPY
Students: 3,500 JPY
Registration link will directly send to accepted participants.

Student Travel Grants



Naomi Yamashita

Naomi Yamashita NTT Research Labs

Hao-Chuan Wang

Hao-Chuan Wang UC Davis

Juho Kim

Juho Kim KAIST

Hideaki Kuzuoka

Hideaki Kuzuoka University of Tokyo

Gary Hsieh

Gary Hsieh University of Washington


Parinya Punpongsanon

Parinya Punpongsanon Osaka University